
You can create different types of tasks and assign them to different people in your organization. Tasks can be created for clients, consignments, items, sales, and orders.

  1. Go to the desired page (client, consignment, item, sale, or order) you want to create a task for.

  2. Click on the Tasks button. This button will also display the total number of active tasks currently in the system, if there are any remaining to be completed.

Creating a new Task

  1. Fill in the fields under Add a task

    Task - enter the name of the task, or select a task from the list.

    Assignee - select the user in the system that is assigned to do the task.

    Due date - enter the date on which the task is expected to be completed.

  2. click on + button.

Deleting a Task

click on the X sign near the task.

Marking a Task as complete

Once a task is finished, mark it as complete in the Task list, by selecting the checkbox next to it.

Default / Dependent tasks

In the backend of the system the Admin can define default tasks that will be created automatically. For example: every time an item is created, tasks such as “Describe item” and "Photograph" will be created and assigned to the appropriate staff member. The Admin can also define dependent tasks. For example: a task to “proofread” an item can only start after the task to “Describe item” is completed.

Last updated