
Category tree - Resave all

Queue all Category term for tree rebuild using advanced queue.

$ drush @site-alias scr profiles/backoffice/modules/custom/server_term/script/resave_categories.php

Go to /admin/reports/queue to monitor AQ tasks.

Set default address

After address migration we need to run this script to set the main client address.

$ drush @site-alias scr profiles/backoffice/modules/server_address/drush/set_default_addresses.php

Resave items or any other node type.

Resave a node type.


  • --typeThe node type.

  • --sale_nidFilter by Sale context.

  • --start_from_nid and --range

$ drush @site-alias scr profiles/backoffice/modules/server_general/scripts/resave.php --start_from_nid=1 --range=500 --type=item --sale_nid=123

Last updated