How to View Client Bids

You can view a client's bids on the Client page or the Bids page.

On the Client page

  1. Make sure you are on the right sale context.

  2. Go to the Client page (see How to Find an Existing Client)

  3. Go to the Bidding info tab.

  4. On the bottom of the page you will find a list of the client's bids, ordered by Lot numbers:

  1. Use the filters to search for specific data:

  1. You can change or delete the bid by using the action buttons on the right side of the page:

  1. Click on Expand to see all the bids for this lot:

  1. Click on item info to change the Opening Price and re-knock down:

On the Bids page

  1. Make sure you are on the right sale context.

  2. On the side menu go to Bids.

  3. Here you wiil find a list of all clients' bids, ordered by Lot numbers. You can perform the same actions as on the Client page.

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